Safety first and foremost
1 September 2019
‘Safety is a top priority at RIS Rubber’, says QESH Manager Dirk van der Meulen, who has co-responsibility for the implementation of strategies in terms of quality, environment and health & safety. Changes related to safety and aimed at delivering a 100% good product were recently realised at the Lelystad factory.
High-speed door in the warehouse
RIS Rubber maintains an active emergency response team, whose members periodically inspect the factory and premises to assess overall safety. In this context, they suggested the installation of a high-speed door in the factory. Sensors ensure that this door is automatically opened at an exceptionally high speed. The installation of the high-speed door has improved the safety situation.
Forklift truck featuring new technology
A forklift truck featuring BlueSpot and RedZone technology has been acquired for the Lelystad factory. The advantage is that employees are aware of the arrival of the forklift truck from a greater distance, which reduces the risk of incidents. For the time being, this new technology will be tested in our Lelystad factory, and if the results are positive, forklift trucks in all our factories in both the Netherlands and Bulgaria will be fitted with BlueSpot and RedZone technology.
Refresher course
Employees in the Lelystad factory have once again followed a refresher course for driving a forklift truck, meaning that their forklift truck driving and safety skills have been refined and refreshed. The speed of forklift trucks was one of the action points that emerged during the course, and to improve the safety of personnel, the speed of forklift trucks operating in the Lelystad warehouse has been limited to 8km/h.
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